Hello, I am writing in regards to a recent matter at wager6.ag I came across this site while trying to do some research on who could help me, aside from getting my funds I want to ensure everyone stays away from these sick crooks to avoid an experience similiar to mine. I noticed inaccuracies in my bets. On and off randomly they were being changed to the opposite of what I bet (After game concludes I’d login assuming I won cause I remember what I bet and see my wagers graded as the opposite of what I did wager and graded as losses), they require password before placing bets , I figured there was a slim chance it was my mistake the first two instances so I gave them the benefit of the doubt and I kept quiet, but yesterday after I worked up a balance it happened for the third time this time on two big 1k bets , I placed the two wagers for second half using their pregame platform 1k spread and 1k moneyline, after I placed these I also bet the same side in their live betting platform, after the game I logged in ready to use my winnings and noticed my small live bets from that game all were graded as winners, but the two 1k 2nd half bets I placed using their second half platform were graded as losses, I brought it to supports attention and they gaslit me and told me it was my fault and it’s impossible the system would do that or for an employee to change the bets. After yesterdays experiences I can 110% say that they have either been changing my bets after they are placed, or their server/platform has severe problems. I don’t like to be accusatory and I tried giving them the benefit of the doubt but this is unacceptable and they must be held accountable The reason I deposited here is cause they HAD positive reviews from a while ago, I am not discrediting those it appears they were a solid book but now unfortunately they are not. It appears they are at the verge of folding completely. I understand likelihood of getting my funds is slim I just want to save anyone else from a situation like mine AVOID WAGER6.AG